Erskine Design projects

Some of the Erskine Design websites from my time with the digital agency.

My role: Design & Design Direction

2008 to 2014

I was fortunate to spend six years with Erskine and worked with a brilliantly talented group of people. During my last three years, I led the design team with the responsibility to ensure high standards for both our clients and our own projects

The Erskine Design website

An agency’s website plays a crucial role in how they’re perceived. This was particularly true for Erskine. We’d already built a solid reputation, but needed a website that would help to better position us as experts in user interface design and front-end technology. We chose to focus the site around a few of our best case studies, only showing work that would be relevant to the type of clients we were targeting. We used the website to demonstrate our own design principles; content was clear, quick to load and easy to access.

Screenshot of a Frieze case study from the Erskine Design website
Erskine team member photographs Erskine birds holding up '404' in the style of the Twitter fail whale

Erskine Socials

Our socials were a great way of getting involved in the web community. Erskine Bowling was a warm-up event to the New Adventures in Web Design conference and managed to attract over 200 bowlers. The website allowed attendees to register their teams and even ‘practise’ their bowling skills by playing an interactive game.

Screenshots of the Erskine Bowling website
Bowling shirt illustrations
Erskine team members with their bowling shirts on at the social Closeup of a bowling shirt


Gridpak was an internal project I worked on alongside Wil Linssen and Sam Quayle. It’s a visual tool that allows designers and developers to create a responsive grid system in the browser. We wanted to create something that enabled designers to visualise how their layouts would look in different situations, therefore helping them to identify and fine tune where breakpoints should go. It’s been great to see the Gridpak’s popularity in the web industry.

Gridpak is a fast, easy way to test grids. Great for quickly trying new ideas.

Joe Stewart
Design partner, Work & Co